Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Little Lucy

What a precious little thing, don't you think? So cuddly and snugly and surrounded by such love. This little gal is super lucky to have such adoring parents and such a helpful big brother. You might recognize him, he's a SPROUT regular. Such a sweet little lady---the camera just loved her. Thanks for the marvelous morning. Enjoy your preview!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A little angel

I love it when things come together. Talk about a wonderful newborn session. Little Cole was the perfect gentleman. I don't believe he complained once about being shifted, adjusted, snuggled or molded! A perfect angel in my opinion and oh so handsome as well. Isn't his big sister just gorgeous? I truly had a blast meeting and capturing the newest addition to this wonderful family. You are truly blessed to have such fantastic children. Thanks for allowing me this opportunity. I truly enjoyed every minute of it. Enjoy!